Comensura take the next step in social mobility with the Social Mobility Employer Index 2024
Hoa Ngo

Managing Director

2 minutes

Comensura take the next step in social mobility with the Social Mobility Employer Index 2024

In recent years, there has been a growing awareness of the importance of social mobility in creating a more equitable and inclusive society.  

Comensura are proud to have submitted an application to join The Social Mobility Employer Index for the first time. The Social Mobility Employer Index is a benchmark created to evaluate and promote social mobility within the workplace and in our first entry we are pleased to share that we’ve ranked 115th on the list. 

“We are hugely passionate about the power of social mobility, but this was a big step for us, states Hoa Ngo, MD of Comensura. “The application process alone gave us a real insight into how much motivation there is within the team, and some new ideas on initiatives we might take in the future. 

With the quality of feedback and level of inspiration we have received in the response from The Social Mobility Foundation – who head up this index – we are extremely excited about the year ahead. We’re confident this is the first stage of a long-term journey to making a real impact on social mobility both for ourselves at Comensura, but also our clients.” 

Why is social mobility important for employers? 

Social mobility is crucial for employers looking to create a diverse and dynamic workforce. By opening doors to individuals from a wider variety of backgrounds, organisations can tap into a broader range of talents and perspectives, driving creativity and boosting problem-solving.  

Prioritising social mobility also helps to cultivate an inclusive culture with higher levels of employee retention and establish a reputation as a socially responsible organisation committed to equity and fairness. 

What is the Social Mobility Employer Index? 

The Social Mobility Employer Index is an initiative designed to assess and improve the efforts of employers in promoting social mobility. Developed by the Social Mobility Foundation, the index benchmarks employers based on their policies and practices that enable individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds to succeed in the workplace.  

It evaluates companies across various sectors, providing a comprehensive overview of how they are addressing social mobility issues. Key metrics include leadership, commitment, recruitment and progression, data collection, and advocacy. 

Find out more 

If you’re looking for a workforce management solution with inclusivity and equitability at its core, get in touch for more information about how we promote diverse and dynamic workforces for our clients. 

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